Carolina Storm Hedgehogs
Storm Bucket Wheel
2019 Summer Contest
2018 Summer Contest
2017 Summer Contest
2016 Summer Contest
2015 Summer Contest
2014 Summer Contest!
2013 Summer Contest
2012 Summer Contest!
Summer contest 2011
2018 Christmas Contest
Christmas Contest 2017
Christmas Contest 2016
Christmas Contest 2015
2014 Christmas Contest
Christmas Contest 2013
Christmas Contest 2012
Christmas Contest 2011
Christmas contest 2010
Hedge-o-ween 2018
Hedge-o-ween 2017
Hedge-o-ween 2016
Hedge-O-Ween 2015
Hedge-O-Ween 2014
Hedge-O-Ween 2013
Hedge-O-Ween 2012
Hedge-O-Ween 2011
Hedgie Art by PJ Mattus
A Hedgehog Summer 2011
The 1st place winner is Sookie with 49 points. Sookie wins choice of wheel with free shipping.
2nd goes to Kelly with 60 points. Kelly wins choice of wheel but must pay for shipping.
3rd Harley Huffington 63 points. Harley wins choice of wheel but must pay shipping
*Everyone who entered gets $5 off their choice of wheel, just let me know and I can send you a paypal invoice.*
The Final Results are in!
1st place Sookie! 49pts
2nd Place Kelly 60pts
3rd Place Harley Huffington 63pts
4th Place Hodges 65pts
5th Place Theo 87pts
6th Kenmore "Kenny"
7th Little Surfer Girl
8th Dexter
9th Regina
10th Maverick
11th Juicebox
12th Pirate
13th Thorne
14th Delia
15th Pyjama Yams
16th Paarden
17th Igel
18th Brillo
19th Miss Sophie
20th Thaddeus Otto
21st Norma Jean
22nd Hedgum
Honorable Mention
lick here to edit.
Princess and Peggy
Tilly Mint
Mrs. Tiggwinkles
Holly Hedgepig
Sweet Pea
Wee Willy Winkle
Quillow Amber Princess
Loki & Nyx
Jeremiah Pricklepants
Lily Osa
Magic and Zeke
62. Cyndaquil
Jonathan Lipnicki
Judges Score Cards
Judge 1
1. Sookie
2. Hodges
3. Harley Huffington
4. Kelly
5. Regina
6. Theo
7. Lil Surfer Girl
8. Pyjama Yams
9. Pirate
10. Mavrick
11. Paarden
12.Thaddeus otto
13. Dexter
14. Juicebox
15. Kenny
16. Thorne
17. Delia
18. Norma Jean
19. Igel
20. Miss Sophie
21. Brillo
22. Hedgum
Judge 2
1. Sookie
2. Pirate
3. Harley Huffington
4. Dexter
5. Lil Surger Girl
6 Juicebox
7 Kenny
8 Theo
9 Kelly
10 Regina
11 Maverick
12 Hodges
13 Paarden
14 Thorne
15 Miss Sophie
16 Pyjama Yams
17 Delia
18 Norma Jean
19 Igel
20 Thaddeus Otto
21 Hedgum
22 Brillo
Judge 3
1 Sookie
2 Harley
3 Dexter
4 Regina
5 Theo
6 Hodges
7 Little surfer girl
8 Kelly
9 Thorne
10 Delia
11 Maverick
12 Juicebox
13 Thaddeus Otto
14 Paarden
15 Pirate
16 Miss Sophie
17 Igel
18 Norma Jean
19 Pyjama Yams
20 Kenmore
21 Brillo
22 Hedgum
Judge 4
1. Sookie
2. Hodges
3. Harley Huffington
4. Regina
5. Little Surfer Girl
6. Theo
7. Pyjama Yams
8. Kenny
9. Pirate
10. Kelly
11. Miss Spohie
12. Igel
13. Thorne
14. Norma Jean
15. Maverick
16. Juicebox
17. Paarden
18. Delia
19. Thaddeus Otto
20. Hedgegum
21. Brillo
22 Dexter
Judge 5
1. Kenmore Kenny
2. Sookie
5.Harley Huffington
8.Thaddeus Otto
9. Hodges
11. Sophia
12. Delia
13. Theo
14. Thorne
16 Pyjama Yams
17 Juice Box
18 Maverick
20 Norme Jean
21 Little Surfer Girl
Judge 6
1. kenny
2. hodges
3. brillo
4. dexter
5. juice box
6. kelly
7. sufer girl
8. harley Huffington
9. delia
10. miss sophie
11. pyjama yams
12. maverick
13. igel
14. regina
15. thorne
16. norma jean
17. paarden
18. theo
19. sookie
20. pirate
21. hedgum
22. thaddeus otto
Judge 7
1 Maverick
2 Theo
3 Kenmore “Kenny”
4 Sookie
5 Kelly
6 Delia
7 Little Surfer Girl
8 Regina
9 Igel
10 Paarden
11 Hodges
12 Harley Huffington
13 Thaddeus Otto
14 Norma Jean
15 Thorne
16 Pirate
17 Miss Sophie
18 Juicebox
19 Pyjama Yams
20 Brillo
21 Hedgum
22 Dexter
Judge 8
1 Juice Box
2 Harley Huffington
3 Kenmore Kenny
4. Sookie
5. Dexter
6. Kelly
7. Brillo
8. Hodges
9. Maverick
11. Regina
12. Thorne
13. Pyjama Yams
14. Paarden
15. Pirate
16. Little Surfer Girl
17. Miss Sophie
18. Igel
19. Thaddeus Otto
20. Delia
21. Hedghum
22. Norma Jean
Judge 9
1. Theo
2. Maverick
3. Dexter
4. Kelly
5. Little Surfer Girl
6. Hodges
7. Igel
8. Delia
9. Thaddeus Otto
10. Pirate
11. Paarden
12. Kenny
13. Thorne
14. Sookie
15. Harley Huffington
16. Pyjama Yams
17. Miss Sophie
18. Brillo
19. Hedgum
20. Juice Box
21. Regina
22. Norma Jean
Judge 10
1. Sookie
2. Kelly
3. Hodges
4. Dexter
5. Juicebox
6. Little Surfer Girl
7. Theo
8. Harley
9. Thorne
10. Kenny
11. Delia
12. Maverick
13. Regina
14.Norma Jean
15. Igel
16. Pajama Yams
17. Brillo
18. Pirate
19. Paarden
20. Thaddeus Otto
21. Sophie
22. Hedgum
Judge 11
1 Sookie
2 Harley Huffington
3 Kelly
4 Hodges
5 Juicebox
6 Little surfer girl
7 Brillo
8 Pirate
9 Kenny
10 Dexter
11 Theo
12 Pajama Yams
13 Maverick
14 Thorne
15 Paarden
16 Delia
17 Regina
18 Norma Jean
19 Hedgum
20 Igel
21 Miss Sophie
22 Thaddeus Otto
The poll results
1. LittleBit 0.07% (1 votes)
2. Glacier 0.15% (2 votes)
3. Princess and Peggy 0.44% (6 votes)
4. Ozzy 0.74% (10 votes)
5. Truffle 0% (0 votes)
6. Anonymous 0.29% (4 votes)
7. Dexter 7.6% (103 votes)
8. Little Surfer Girl 0.66% (9 votes)
9. Juju 0.59% (8 votes)
10. Thaddeus Otto 7.23% (98 votes)
11. Tilly Mint 0.15% (2 votes)
12. Charlie 0% (0 votes)
13. Remington 0.66% (9 votes)
14. Igel 1.4% (19 votes)
15. Alfie 0% (0 votes)
16. Miss Sophie 4.35% (59 votes)
17. Leenka 0.22% (3 votes)
18. Hodges 2.95% (40 votes)
19. Kiwi 0.15% (2 votes)
20. Brillo 15.71% (213 votes)
21. Paprika 0.07% (1 votes)
22. Feral 0.44% (6 votes)
23. Hedgum 1.03% (14 votes)
24. Kenmore "Kenny" 0.66% (9 votes)
25. Mrs. Tiggwinkles 0.15% (2 votes)
26. Holly Hedgepig 0.07% (1 votes)
27. Watson 0.52% (7 votes)
28. Norma Jean 4.42% (60 votes)
29. Beck 0.15% (2 votes)
30. Abra 0% (0 votes)
31. Maverick 1.11% (15 votes)
32. Thorne 1.11% (15 votes)
33. Gracie 0% (0 votes)
34. Regina 1.62% (22 votes)
35. Liam 0.07% (1 votes)
36. Sookie 6.56% (89 votes)
37. Sweet Pea 0.07% (1 votes)
38. Sandra 0% (0 votes)
39. Lily 0.96% (13 votes)
40. Paarden 2.21% (30 votes)
41. Wee Willy Winkle 0.44% (6 votes)
42. Quillow Amber Princess 0.07% (1 votes)
43. Loki & Nyx 0.29% (4 votes)
44. Harley Huffington 4.28% (58 votes)
45. Pyjama Yams 1.03% (14 votes)
46. Jeremiah Pricklepants 0.74% (10 votes)
47. Sonic 0.52% (7 votes)
48. Sumo 0.52% (7 votes)
49. Pirate 5.24% (71 votes)
50. Squee 0.59% (8 votes)
51. Pippin 0.59% (8 votes)
52. Delia 2.36% (32 votes)
53. Winston 0.29% (4 votes)
54. Spartacus 0.44% (6 votes)
55. Henry 0.07% (1 votes)
56. Knuckles 0.52% (7 votes)
57. Juice Box 1.62% (22 votes)
58. Lily Osa 0.22% (3 votes)
59. Theo 10.84% (147 votes)
60. Magic and Zeke 0.37% (5 votes)
61. Kelly 3.32% (45 votes)
62. Cyndaquil 0.44% (6 votes)
63. Jonathan Lipnicki 0.15% (2 votes)
64. Adeline 0.29% (4 votes)
65. Cupcake 0.15% (2 votes)
Total Votes: 1,356
Storm Bucket Wheel
2019 Summer Contest
2018 Summer Contest
2017 Summer Contest
2016 Summer Contest
2015 Summer Contest
2014 Summer Contest!
2013 Summer Contest
2012 Summer Contest!
Summer contest 2011
2018 Christmas Contest
Christmas Contest 2017
Christmas Contest 2016
Christmas Contest 2015
2014 Christmas Contest
Christmas Contest 2013
Christmas Contest 2012
Christmas Contest 2011
Christmas contest 2010
Hedge-o-ween 2018
Hedge-o-ween 2017
Hedge-o-ween 2016
Hedge-O-Ween 2015
Hedge-O-Ween 2014
Hedge-O-Ween 2013
Hedge-O-Ween 2012
Hedge-O-Ween 2011
Hedgie Art by PJ Mattus